My Lord Jesus Christ,
true God and true Man,
I adore Thee with every fibre of my being!
I adore Thee at every instant of time.
I adore Thee in union with the Immaculate Heart
of our Blessed Mother, Mary,
in union with the pure Heart Of St. Joseph,
in union with all Thy Angels and Saints
in the Glory Of Heaven,
in union with Thy just on earth,
in union with the souls in purgatory.
With this tribute of adoration
I wish to adore Thee for all who do not adore Thee,
to love Thee for all who love Thee not,
to acknowledge Thee to be my God,
for all who refuse to acknowledge Thee.
The story of Act of Adoration # 4
The Act of Adoration #4 is a powerful Catholic prayer that is used to express love and devotion to the Holy Trinity. This prayer has a rich history that dates back several centuries and has been a crucial part of Catholic worship for many years.
The origins of the Act of Adoration #4 prayer can be traced back to the early centuries of Christianity when Christians began to formally recognize the Holy Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The prayer took on a more formalized structure as the Christian faith grew over time, and it became a significant part of Catholic worship.
During the Middle Ages, the prayer gained prominence, and it was often recited by the religious orders during their daily devotions. In the centuries that followed, the prayer continued to be an important part of Catholic worship, and various versions of it were developed.
Over time, the prayer evolved to become the beautiful and powerful prayer that it is today, with a structure that involves showing reverence and adoration to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through the devotion of the faithful, this prayer has become an important part of Catholic worship, and it is recited daily by millions of Catholics around the world.
The Act of Adoration #4 is typically recited during times of worship, prayer, and adoration. It has a profound spiritual impact on those who read or hear it and is considered one of the most powerful Catholic prayers. This prayer reminds Catholics of the divine nature of the Holy Trinity and inspires them to live a life of love, devotion, and service to God.