Heavenly Father,
On this day of love, I come to you in prayer, To thank you for the gift of my beloved.
May our love for each other, Reflect your love for us, And draw us closer to you.
Grant us the strength and courage, To weather any storm, And to always choose love over fear.
May our Valentine’s Day, Be filled with your grace and blessings, And may our love for each other grow stronger in your light.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
The origins of A Valentine Prayer (3)
The history of A Valentine Prayer is not well documented, but it likely emerged from the Catholic tradition of offering prayers for the blessing of romantic relationships.
Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated annually on February 14th, was originally a Christian feast day in honor of Saint Valentine who was a Roman priest and martyr during the third century. Saint Valentine was known for performing secret marriages for couples who were forbidden to marry by law.
Prayers to Saint Valentine for the blessing of romantic relationships date back centuries, and some of these prayers have been passed down through generations and adapted over time.
In the Catholic tradition, prayer is an important part of seeking guidance and strength in all aspects of life, including romantic relationships. A Valentine Prayer is a way for couples to come together in prayer to seek God’s blessings and guidance in their relationship.
Today, A Valentine Prayer is often used by couples who are seeking to deepen their commitment to each other under the guidance of God’s love. It is a reminder that love is a gift from God and that it is through his grace and blessings that we can find lasting happiness in our relationships.