Merciful Father
I am guilty of sin
I confess my sins before you
and I am sorry for them.
Your promises are just;
therefore I trust that you will forgive my sins
and cleanse me from every stain of sin.
Jesus himself is the propitiation
for my sins and the sin of the whole world.
I put my hope in his atonement.
May my sins be forgiven through His name
and in His blood may my soul be made clean.
New Saint Joseph People’s Prayer Book
Deeper understanding of A Prayer of Contrition
The Prayer of Contrition, also known as the Act of Contrition, is a devotional prayer that is often recited by Catholics during the Sacrament of Penance, also known as Confession. The prayer expresses sorrow for sins committed and a sincere desire to turn away from them.
The prayer has its roots in the early Christian era. Early Christians were encouraged to continuously seek forgiveness and repent for their sins. Confession of sins was also an important aspect of the sacramental system in the early church.
The first recorded version of the Act of Contrition was written in Latin in the 12th century. It was a short prayer expressing remorse for sins and asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Over time, various versions of the prayer were developed in different regions, and many of these were translated into different languages.
In the 16th century, the Council of Trent standardized the Sacrament of Penance and emphasized the importance of regular confession of sins. The Act of Contrition was included as a necessary component of the rite, and various versions of the prayer became widespread throughout the Catholic Church.
Today, Catholics continue to recite the Prayer of Contrition as a way of acknowledging their sins and asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness. While different versions of the prayer exist, the general theme of the prayer remains the same – to express sincere remorse for sins committed and to make a firm resolve to turn away from them.