O Lord God Almighty,
I beseech Thee by the Precious
Body and Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus,
which He Himself on the night before His Passion
gave as meat and drink to His beloved Apostles
and bequeathed to His Holy Church
to be the perpetual Sacrifice
and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people,
deliver the souls in purgatory,
but most of all,
that soul which was most devoted
to this Mystery of infinite love,
in order that it may praise Thee therefor,
together with Thy Divine Son
and the Holy Spirit in Thy glory for ever.
The story of A Prayer for the Most Forgotten Soul
The Prayer for the Most Forgotten Soul is a Catholic prayer that is offered for the benefit of the soul that is most in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness. The prayer has its roots in the early Church, where it was believed that all souls, regardless of their earthly circumstances, were in need of prayer and intercession.
During the Middle Ages, the concept of purgatory became more fully developed, leading to an increased emphasis on prayer and penance for the souls in need of purification. The prayer for the most forgotten soul became a central part of this devotional practice.
In the 20th century, the prayer for the most forgotten soul has continued to be a popular devotional practice, particularly during the month of November, when the Church commemorates the faithful departed.
The prayer expresses the Church’s belief in the power of prayer and intercession to aid the souls that are most in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness. By offering this prayer, the faithful believe that they can assist these souls in their journey towards eternal life with God.
The prayer emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy for those who have been forgotten or neglected in life. It reminds us that even the most forgotten soul is precious in the eyes of God and deserving of our prayers and intercession.