O merciful God, take pity on those souls who have no particular friends and intercessors to recommend them to Thee, who, either through the negligence of those who are alive, or through length of time are forgotten by their friends and by all. Spare them, O Lord, and remember Thine own mercy, when others forget to appeal to it. Let not the souls which Thou hast created be parted from thee, their Creator.
May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
The background story of A Prayer for the Forgotten Dead
A Prayer for the Forgotten Dead is a Catholic prayer that seeks God’s mercy and blessings for those who have died, but who may have been forgotten or unrecognized by others.
The origins of this prayer can be traced back to the Catholic tradition of reverencing the dead and showing compassion for those who may have been marginalized or forgotten by society. Throughout history, the Catholic Church has played an important role in caring for the sick, the poor, and the dying, and it has long emphasized the value of every human life, regardless of status or circumstance.
Over time, the Prayer for the Forgotten Dead emerged as an important tool for Catholics seeking to recognize the dignity and worth of every person, even in death. The prayer serves as a reminder of the importance of showing compassion and kindness to all, and of the Catholic belief in the resurrection and the hope of eternal life.
Today, A Prayer for the Forgotten Dead remains an important part of Catholic tradition. It is often recited during Mass and other Church services, and it is also used by individuals who are seeking spiritual support and guidance for those who may have died alone or without recognition. The prayer serves as an expression of love and concern for those who may have been forgotten by society and as a call to live a life of compassion and service in honor of their memory.