I humbly salute you, O you faithful, heavenly Friends of my children! I give you heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show them. At some future day I shall, with thanks more worthy than I can now give, repay your care for them, and before the whole heavenly court acknowledge their indebtedness to your guidance and protection. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray, likewise, for me, for my husband, and my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in your blessed company. Amen.
The background story of A Mother’s Prayer to the Guardian Angels of her children
A Mother’s Prayer to the Guardian Angels of her children is a Catholic prayer that is also known as the Guardian Angel Prayer for Children. The prayer asks God to send his angels to watch over and protect a mother’s children.
The origins of this prayer can be traced back to the early days of Christianity, when belief in the existence of angels was widespread. Over time, the prayer evolved into a popular devotional practice, particularly among Catholic mothers.
The prayer is often recited as a way of invoking the protection of God’s angels over a mother’s children, asking for their guidance and support in times of difficulty or danger. It is typically prayed with great devotion and sincerity, as mothers seek to entrust their children’s safety and well-being to the care of God’s angels.
The prayer has undergone various revisions and translations over the years, with different versions typically featuring a similar structure and set of petitions. The prayer typically includes asking for the protection of the individual’s children, as well as expressing gratitude for the gift of God’s angels.
Today, the Mother’s Prayer to the Guardian Angels of her children remains an important part of Catholic devotional practice, particularly among mothers who are seeking to entrust their children’s care to the watchful eye of God’s angels. It is often recited as a way of seeking comfort and support in difficult times, and as a way of expressing love and concern for one’s children.