Act of the Right Intention

Dear God, as I prepare to participate in the sacrament of the Eucharist, I ask for the grace to make a right intention. Help me to approach this sacrament with a pure heart and a sincere desire for spiritual growth. May my participation in the Eucharist bring me closer to you and help me to love others as you have loved me.

Heavenly Father, I ask for the grace to recognize the significance of the sacrament of the Eucharist. May my intention be focused on you and on deepening my relationship with you. May my participation in this sacrament help me to grow closer to you and to better serve your will.

Lord Jesus, I ask for your guidance in making a right intention as I participate in the Eucharist. May my intention be directed towards loving and serving others as you have taught us. May I approach this sacrament with humility and gratitude, seeking only to do your will.

Holy Spirit, I ask for the grace of discernment as I make a right intention for the Eucharist. May my participation in this sacrament be an expression of my faith in you and my desire to live according to your teachings. May your light and wisdom guide me as I deepen my relationship with you through this sacrament.

The timeline of Act of the Right Intention

The Act of the Right Intention is a Catholic prayer that is said before participating in the sacrament of the Eucharist. It asks for the grace of a pure and sincere intention to approach the sacrament with a focused and humble heart.

The prayer’s origins are not precisely known, but it has been a part of Catholic liturgy for centuries. It is a reminder of the importance of prayerful preparation when approaching the Eucharist, which is one of the most significant sacraments in Catholicism.

The prayer is intended to help prepare the faithful for the sacrament’s meaning and significance and to encourage them to approach it with the right attitude and purpose. It is also a reminder that our intentions when approaching the sacrament should be focused on growing closer to God and serving others, rather than seeking personal gratification.

The Act of the Right Intention is not a long prayer, but it is an essential part of preparing to receive the Eucharist. Through the centuries, Catholics have turned to this prayer for guidance and inspiration, and it remains an integral part of Catholic worship today.

In short, the Act of the Right Intention is a timeless prayer that calls upon the grace of God to help the faithful approach the sacrament of the Eucharist in a spirit of faith and devotion. Its spiritual significance is a testament to the enduring relevance of Catholicism in the world today.

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