Soul of Christ

Soul of Christ, santify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within your wounds, hide me. Never let me be separated from you. From the malignant enemy, defend me. At the hour of death, call me; and bid me come to you. That with your saints I may praise you forever and ever.

History of Soul of Christ

The “Soul of Christ” prayer, also known as the “Anima Christi” prayer, is one of the most beloved Catholic prayers. It dates back to the early 14th century and is attributed to St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus.

The prayer is a meditation on the sacrifice of Christ and is often used as a preparatory prayer before receiving the Eucharist. It begins with the words, “Soul of Christ, sanctify me” and goes on to ask for a deeper understanding of the love of Christ and the grace to follow him more closely.

The “Soul of Christ” prayer has been set to music and has been incorporated into many liturgical services. It has also been used as a personal prayer by Catholics throughout the centuries, and many find comfort and strength in its words.

While it is often associated with St. Ignatius of Loyola, some scholars believe that the prayer may have originated before his time. Nevertheless, it remains a powerful reminder of the sacrificial love of Christ and the grace that he offers to all who seek him. It continues to be a favorite prayer among Catholics to this day.

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