Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings

O Raphael, lead us towards those we are waiting for, those who are waiting for us! Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings, lead us by the hand towards those we are looking for! May all our movements, all their movements, be guided by your Light and transfigured by your Joy.

Angel Guide of Tobias, lay the request we now address to you at the feet of Him on whose unveiled Face you are privileged to gaze. Lonely and tired, crushed by the separations and sorrows of earth, we feel the need of calling to you and of pleading for the protection of your wings, so that we may not be as strangers in the Province of Joy, all ignorant of the concerns of our country.

Remember the weak, you who are strong–you whose home lies beyond the region of thunder, in a land that is always peaceful, always serene, and bright with the resplendent glory of God. Amen.

The origins of Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings

The Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings is a Catholic prayer that calls upon the archangel Raphael, known as the patron saint of travelers, to guide and protect those on journeys and in search of companionship.

The prayer’s origin is uncertain, but it is believed to have developed in the 18th or 19th century when devotion to St. Raphael was growing in popularity. St. Raphael is recognized as the patron saint of happy meetings, and the prayer is often recited by those seeking divine assistance in finding a spouse or companion.

The prayer acknowledges the role of St. Raphael in bringing together Tobias and Sarah, as told in the Book of Tobit in the Old Testament. It asks St. Raphael to guide and protect those on journeys, provide companionship and protect from harm.

The Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings is a powerful supplication that provides comfort and hope to those seeking divine assistance in finding companionship or guidance on journeys. It remains popular among Catholics today and is often used as a personal prayer or included in novenas to St. Raphael.

Through the Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings, Catholics are reminded of St. Raphael’s role in bringing together Tobias and Sarah, and its ability to provide hope and guidance in times of uncertainty. It is a powerful reminder of the role of divine intervention in bringing people together and the importance of faith in the journey of life.

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