Lord God,
your own Son was delivered into the hands of the wicked,
yet he prayed for his persecutors
and overcame hatred with the blood of the Cross.
Relive the sufferings of the innocent victims of war;
grant them peace of mind, healing of body,
and a renewed faith in your protection and care.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Further insights into Prayer for the Innocent Victims of War
The Prayer for the Innocent Victims of War is a Catholic prayer that seeks God’s mercy and protection for those affected by war and violence.
The prayer has its roots in the Catholic Church’s commitment to peace and justice, particularly in the aftermath of World War II, which witnessed the horrific consequences of war and the suffering of innocent civilians.
The prayer was created to raise awareness of the devastating impact of war on individuals and communities, and to encourage believers to work towards peace and reconciliation, while providing comfort to those who have suffered losses in war.
Over time, the prayer has been adapted to address contemporary conflicts and to draw attention to the plight of refugees, immigrants, and other vulnerable groups affected by war and violence. It has become a powerful symbol of solidarity and compassion, particularly in times of crisis and conflict.
The prayer emphasizes the need for human solidarity, respect for human dignity, and the pursuit of peace and justice as the ultimate goals of human society. It invites believers to pray for the healing and restoration of those affected by war and violence, and to advocate for policies that address the root causes of conflict and promote peace and reconciliation.
Today, the Prayer for the Innocent Victims of War continues to be a source of comfort and hope for individuals and communities affected by war and violence, as well as an inspiration for believers to work towards a world characterized by peace, justice, and solidarity.