Lord Jesus, Carpenter and King, supreme Sovereign of all men, look with tender mercy upon the multitudes of our day who bear the indignities of injustice everywhere. Raise up leaders in every land dedicated to Your standards of order, equity, and justice. Grant unto us, Lord Jesus, the grace to be worthy members of Your Mystical Body, laboring unceasingly to fulfill our vocation in the social apostolate of Your Church. Sharpen our intellects to pierce the pettiness of prejudice; to perceive the beauty of true human brotherhood. Guide our minds to a meaningful understanding of the problems of the poor, of the oppressed, of the unemployed, of all in need of assistance anywhere. Guide our hearts against the subtle lure of earthly things and undue regard for those who possess them. May we hunger and thirst after justice always.
The origins of Prayer for Social Justice
The Prayer for Social Justice is a Catholic prayer that seeks God’s guidance when dealing with issues of social justice. The origins of this prayer can be traced back to the Catholic Social Teaching, which prioritizes the dignity of human life and promotes the common good.
The prayer was first used in the 1970s when social activism was at its peak, and the world faced various social injustices. It was created to connect with God and ask for His intervention in these matters, such as racism, poverty, war, and discrimination.
The prayer has evolved and been adapted over the years to address contemporary issues, such as climate change, immigration, and human trafficking. It’s commonly used during Catholic mass, social justice events, and community prayers.
The prayer emphasizes the Christian duty to love and advocate for others, as Jesus did during His earthly ministry. It encourages individuals to use their talents and resources to create a world that reflects justice, peace, and equality for all people.