Bless the Lord, All you His Angels, You who are Mighty in strength And do His Will.
Intercede for me At the throne of God, And by your unceasing watchfulness Protect me in every danger Of soul and body. Bless the Lord, All you His Angels, You who are Mighty in strength And do His Will.
Intercede for me At the throne of God, And by your unceasing watchfulness Protect me in every danger Of soul and body.
Obtain for me The grace of final perseverance, So that after this life I may be admitted To your glorious company And may sing with you The praises of God For all eternity.
O all you holy Angels And Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers And Virtues of heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim And especially you, My dear Guardian Angel, Intercede for me And obtain for me The special favor I now ask
(State your intention here…).
Say 9 Our Father…
The legacy of Prayer to the Holy Angels
The Prayer to the Holy Angels is a Catholic prayer that has been used for centuries. The prayer is addressed to the holy angels and asks for their intercession, protection, and guidance.
The belief in angels has been a part of Catholic tradition from the beginning, and the idea of guardian angels watching over individuals is a prominent part of Catholic theology.
The most common version of the prayer is:
“Heavenly Father, Your infinite Love for us has chosen a blessed angel in heaven and appointed him our guide during this earthly pilgrimage. Accept our thanks for so great a blessing. Grant that we may experience the assistance of our holy protector in all our necessities. And you, holy, loving angel and guide, watch over us with all the tenderness of your angelic heart. Amen.”
The prayer is often used as a form of spiritual protection and guidance, as well as a reminder of the constant presence of the holy angels in one’s life.
Overall, the Prayer to the Holy Angels is a significant part of Catholic tradition and has remained a powerful and meaningful prayer for many Catholics around the world. It is a reminder of the presence and guidance of holy angels in one’s life and a request for their intercession and protection.